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May 23, 2018 09:10

Widget labels must be descriptive


Severity Action
no actions


Rule ID Widget 12
Definition The label for elements with a widget roles on a page must sufficiently describe its purpose.
  • Labels that are sufficiently descriptive make it possible for people to understand the purposes of elements with widget roles on the page.
WCAG Success Criteria

2.4.6 Headings and Labels (Level AA, Primary Success Criterion)

Rule Category Widgets/Scripting
Scope Element
Target Resources Elements with widget roles on a page
  • In some cases the child text nodes and alt from descendant image elements will be used as the label for elements with widget roles.
  • Use aria-labelledby attribute to reference the id(s) of the elements on the page to label elements with widget roles.
  • Use aria-label attribute to provide a explicit label for an element with a widget role.
  • Elements with grouping widget roles may not receive keyboard focus, but giving them a label provides users of assistive technologies a more accurate description of the purpose of the widget
Manual Checks
  • Good labels are both concise and descriptive of the element with widget role purpose.
  • If element with widget roles are arranged in groups, make sure labels include grouping information.
  • Consider using aria-describedby to provide references to instructions or error information.
  • When there is more than one widget of the same type on a page, they need an label for users to uniquely identify the form control.
Informational Links

Element Results

Element Identifier Result Element Position Message

Column Definitions

Element Identifier
Information about the element associated with the result.
The information typically includes the tag name, accessible name or other information related to the rule requirements.
"Page" means that the result applied to the page. For example, the rule "One main landmark on the page" is a page level rule.
Element Position
The element position is based on the DOM order of elements in the page.
The element position maybe useful in helping to locate a specific element on the page evaluated (e.g smaller numbers are typically toward the beginning of a page and larger numbers typically toward the end of a page).
Element position 1 is the first element.
The highest element position is the last element.
Element position values for most rule/page results will not be consecutive since a rule only applies to a sub set of elements found on a page.