Widget roles require keyboard support

Rule ID Keyboard 1
Definition Elements with ARIA widget roles must have event handlers that support the keyboard interactions required by those roles.
  • Keyboard support is required by people who cannot use the mouse and/or gestures to select the options and perform the actions made available to them by interactive elements.
  • Native HTML4 and HTML5 link and form control elements have default keyboard interactions that are built-in and standardized among browsers.
  • When authors create custom interactive elements they need to support the keyboard interaction patterns that users have come to expect.
  • The ARIA Authoring Practices Guide identifies the keyboard interaction patterns that users expect and can rely upon, based on each ARIA widget role.
Required Yes for HTML4 Legacy Techniques ruleset mapping
WCAG Success Criteria

2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A, Primary Success Criterion)

Rule Category Keyboard Support
Scope Element
Target Resources Elements with ARIA widget roles
  • Use the ARIA Authoring Practices guide to identify the keyboard interaction support needed for each ARIA Widget role being used.
  • Add custom keydown, keypress and/or keyup event handlers to support the keyboard interactions required by the ARIA widget role.
  • Verify that keyboard interactions are consistent among browsers and devices (e.g., desktop computers and mobile devices using Bluetooth keyboards).
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