Report Title: pvsunglasses4sale
May 23, 2022 20:06
  • Followed links in specfied domain only
Maximum page limit was reached
You need to increase the page limit to evaluate more pages in the website, which may require purchasing or increasing your subscription level.

Text must exceed CCR threshold

Violations Warnings Manual
Number of Pages - - 25 -
25 pages with manual checks;


Rule ID Color 1
Definition Text content must exceed Color Contrast Ratio (CCR) of 3.1 for large and/or bolded text and 4.5 for any other size or style of text.
  • The higher the color contrast of text the more easy it is to read, especially for people with visual impairments.
WCAG Success Criteria

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA, Primary Success Criterion)

Rule Category Styling/Content
Scope Element
Target Resources All elements with text content
  • textnodes
  • Change the foreground color to a more complementary color to the background color.
  • Change the background color to a more complementary color to the foreground color.
  • Remove background images or verify they do not compromise color contrast requirements.
Manual Checks
  • Use graphic editing tools to analyze the color(s) of the background image and then recacluate the CCR with the range of colors in the background image.
  • Verify the range of colors that could be part of the background of text is have a CCR > 4.5.
Informational Links

Page Results

Element Results Implementation Level
Page Page Title Result V W MC P Score Status
All Pages Manual Check - - - 2812 98 AC-R

Implementation Score Definitions

  • The implementation score is based on the rule results across all pages and ranges from 0 to 100.
  • '-' means there were no rule results for that group (e.g. rules were not applicable).
  • The following messages give a general idea of the overall implementation of the rules for a website.
Abbrev Score Status Description
C 100 Complete Complete means all rules have passed. There were either no manual checks or all manual checks have been resolved.
R 0 Required Manual Checks
  • Manual checks are required to verify accessibility. Markup has been identified that needs to be reviewed to determine if accessibility requirements have been met.
  • Start with the website and page level manual checks since they affect website and page navigation and identification of content and then start on the element level manual checks.
95-99 Almost Complete
  • Almost Complete means that you seem to understand the accessibility requirements of the rules, and are close to fully implementing their requirements on all pages within the website.
  • "-R" means there are required Manual Checks. Markup has been identified that needs to be reviewed to determine if accessibility requirements have been met.
50-94 Partial Implementation
  • Partial Implementation means that you may understand at least some of the accessibility requirements.
  • "-R" means there are required Manual Checks. Markup has been identified that needs to be reviewed to determine if accessibility requirements have been met.
  • Please re-read the accessibility requirement and review the techniques before trying to improve the accessibility.
0-50 Not Implemented
  • Incomplete means that you do not understand the accessibility requirements of the rules or did not consider accessibility in the design of the website.
  • "-R" means there are required Manual Checks. Markup has been identified that needs to be reviewed to determine if accessibility requirements have been met.
  • Please read the accessibility requirements and review the techniques before trying to improve the accessibility.
na - Not Applicable No markup was found that identifed a known or possible accessibility issue.

Note: Future versions of FAE will allow you to mark manual checks as, pass, fail or not applicable.

Implementation Score Computation

Implementation Score = P / (P + F + MC)

Each variable represents the number of element level results for a particular rule, where:

  • P = elements that passed
  • F = elements that failed
  • MC = elements that require a manual check

The score ranges in value from 0 to 100, that is from no implementation to all accessibility requirements met. In the future, FAE will allow you to change manual checks to pass, fail or not applicable, and will recompute the Implementation Score based on the updated manual checking results.

Note: When a manual check is changed to not applicable that element result is removed from the implementation score computation.

Implementation Score Combinations

Implementation scores are rule-based and are computed for the following combinations:

Pages Rules Calculation
1 1 Element level results determine the implementation score for a rule on a specific page.
1 All The implementation score for a page is the average of all implementation scores for all rules on the page, with all rules being equally weighted.
All 1 The implementation score for a rule across all the pages in a website is based on the aggregation of all element results for the rule across all pages.
All All The implementation score for a website is the average of the website rule implementation scores.

Example Rule Implementation Scores on Individual Page

Description Pass Fail Manual Check Implementation Score
A rule with scope of element, like "Image must have alt text". 8 2 0 80
A rule with scope of page like "Page must have main landmark". 0 1 0 0
A rule with scope of element with elment results of pass, fail and manual checks that may occur for the color contrast rule. 134 29 37 67

Example Rule Implementation Score for All Pages in a Website

This is a hypothetical example for a website

Page results for Rule X Pass Fail Manual Check Implementation Score
Page 1 element results for rule X. 23 12 4 59
Page 2 element results for rule X. 12 4 0 75
Page 3 element results for rule X. 45 0 0 100
Website element results for Rule X 80 16 4 80